You Can Overcome! Q&A 69: Overcome Depression & Anxiety As A Christian


The Biblical Nutritionist


Overcome depression and anxiety as a Christian with these steps.
Today, I share with you some biblical tips on how to overcome depression and reduce anxiety in your life.

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The questions today are all related to overcoming anxiety and depression as a Christian. Many times as a Christian, and I've shared this with you before on other videos, we think I don't want anybody to know I have anxiety, I want anybody to know I have depression, yet. It's real. It's real. And it should not be as common as it is, especially in the church. But it is, and we're going to talk about that today.

1. I struggle with no hormones. I had a full hysterectomy back in 2012 due to cancer, God healed me from the cancer. I'm 227 pounds right now and I'm struggling with no energy depression and easy weight gain. My first question is, do you think it's possible to be a Christian and suffer from depression? And the second question is, do you know how hormones play a role in losing weight? I've tried many different ways, but with little to no results. I've been praying and asking God to give me the help I need.

You're correct to say God healed you. He is the only one who heals. Christians do suffer from depression. Yet, we have the HOPE of salvation through Jesus Christ and we have answers in his word to guide us. Depression can come from several different factors, the unhealthy microbiome, which transfers to an unhealthy brain. And this can lead to depression. Food allergies can also have a side effect of depression. Many people aren't aware of that. allergens in the environment can also cause depression. So to change your story, let's change the chapters to include number one. Let's rebuild the microbiome with fermented foods, probiotics, phyto biotic rich foods, learn to make your own bone broth and eat pre and probiotic rich foods.

2. I'm struggling with rapid heart rate after healing from the virus, as well as sleep disruption and anxiety. All these things are new that I've never had to deal with before. And she goes on to say I love your videos on YouTube and always get so much out of them. My question is, do you have any recommendations for helping my nervous system heal after this trauma?

Well, first, we must recognize that there is a trauma that has happened. And you've already done that. Yet God is the Rafah, healer, and nothing is impossible with Him. We heal two ways. First, our mindset which is our beliefs and our heart. And second is our microbiome. spiritual and physical both of these areas interact with each other. So starting with our mindset and our beliefs we take God's Word as truth. And we instill it into our hearts and into our minds as a continual on a continual basis. And we do not allow any fear to have space to rent in our mind, and we don't allow any anxiety to have any space in our mind for free rent.

3. I was diagnosed with a rare cancer, I'm overweight, sad, and anxiety ridden. I keep feeling like God is telling me to seek first the kingdom of God. Do you feel like this is the right place for me?

Now, cancer is just cancer, it doesn't define you. We are defined by the capital C as in Christ. Cancer is just a concern of our times. It's a result of the sin and the greed in our nation. Cancer does not need to be a distraction in your mission and your purpose of God's kingdom. That is what man wants you to believe the entire cancer industry is to make you feel anxious and to be not able to be in control of yourself. That's why everything is done at such a fast pace. And God is still on the throne. And he is still and he is who you really need to focus on.

4. What does the Bible say about your weight and body image consuming every thought of the day? I do not want this to become an idol. But I don't know how to stop it.

When we are looking for our peace, it can only come from God our Father, it can't come from food, it can't come from anything else. And verse three goes on to say, God of all comfort. So when we struggle, as you describe, we're seeking comfort in other areas. For some, it is food, addictive foods.

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