Did Your Account Get Disabled? How to Stay Out of Facebook Jail


Was your personal or business Facebook account disabled? Or maybe your reach is tanking or all your stats are down - I call that "Facebook jail". In this podcast, I am giving you some common reasons people go to "Facebook jail" and how to avoid these mistakes to keep your account in good standing!

Hit the Highlights
(03:43) Here are the reasons why you could be in Facebook jail.
(12:13) What to do if you get put in Facebook jail.
(12:53) How long does Facebook jail last?
(14:26) How to contact someone to get out of Facebook jail.

Reasons Why You Could Be in Facebook Jail
If you are commenting the same comment over and over or posting a link over and over. Don't copy and paste comments. You look like a robot and might go to Facebook jail.
You are using a different name than your name in real life. (Don't use your nickname or business name for your personal account)
You are using your personal Facebook page to post about your biz. You need to have a business Facebook page for that!
Bullying, using hate language, talking about things that are highly controversial. (depending on how you word it).
You are saying things like "comment below" "tag your friend" "covid"
You did something that violates someone else's rights, including their intellectual property rights. Putting your name on something and not giving credit.
Your credit card has expired for your ads account.
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