Zap That Heartburn Fast! 9 Natural Ways & Foods Prevent Heartburn
Get rid and prevent heartburn fast, naturally!
Here are 9 ways to prevent heartburn including best foods to eat, tools you can use, and a powerful natural supplement for heartburn.
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Today's discovery is all about the natural foods that are going to get rid of heartburn. So I'm going to show you in the grocery store what you need to buy to zap that heartburn and say, Oh, that feels so much better. I'm also going to share with you the three tips on how to prevent heartburn in the first place.
The first food we talk about all the time it's dark leafy greens, it doesn't matter if it's the tops of the beets, if it's your kale, it just needs to be dark leafy greens. So for some people, you might want to have your salad at the beginning but make sure you have dark leafy greens or you may want to have your salad save a couple bites of it at the end to help your body to process the foods that you've just consumed. So dark leafy greens are number one.
Number two is ginger. Yes, so you could make ginger tea to end your meal with just a slice of ginger into some hot water. Just sip on that, maybe add some peppermint and maybe a little bit of stevia and you will have a delicious drink so steeping some ginger or just adding it to your dinner in one way or another it's going to help the digestive system to calm the fire of heartburn.
Next food I want us to look at is melons, melons are just perfect making them into their your own dessert and said throw the ice cream away and just have melons for dessert add in some papaya which is another one of our foods, some papaya and some melons into its own dish and just make the perfect dessert. This also will help calm that fire of heartburn in your digestive system.
Fennel seeds are next because you can actually grow this plant in your garden. It will grow back a second year after that you'll have to replant it. But you could just go through the garden and just chew on the leaves or chew on the fennel seeds and enjoy it.
Next, fresh fruits and vegetables. Again, the more we consume fresh fruits and vegetables, we have the enzymes that we need for digestion, we have the good pre and probiotics, our meal should have some fiber. And when we eat the foods the way God designed, we're not going to have that fire in our gut, we're not going to have that fire in our throat, it's not going to happen. And yet so fresh fruits and vegetables may be in your meal with an
And lastly is aloe vera. You can buy this in a bottle and just have like a little bit in your salad dressing. You could add it to your meal or you could just put a little bit in your tea and just drink it.
Tools To Prevent Heartburn:
The number one tool I want you to use to overcome heartburn is our hunger satisfied journal. This journal can save you 1000s of dollars in doctor visits, and multiple nights of indigestion and heartburn. Because what it does is it helps you to identify what foods are causing the problem.
As I've shared in the Daniel fast we use the Daniel fast for our transformation. And I highly recommend you do the same thing. If you haven't followed the Daniel fast plan. You could just do it by reading scripture. But if you want a course that's already put together, then go check that out on our biblical nutrition Academy.
And number three, if you cannot find an aloe vera juice or you don’t like ginger and dark greens, then, you can take a supplement called Gastro.
So it has all of these ingredients that we're talking about all in one product and you can say just have a little ziploc bag in your pocket or in your purse. And if you eat one of those meals that you know you shouldn't eat, then put that in your mouth and it will get rid of the fire of that heartburn.
Thanks for watching today and letting me share with you God’s recipe for excellent health. Always remember the number one ingredient in that recipe is how much God loves you.