You MUST Have These Everyday! 7 Little-Known Olive Health Benefits
These olive health benefits give you more reasons to eat it every day!
Find out more about the spiritual and physical benefits of olives and olive oil in this video.
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Today I want to share with you the seven reasons why everyone should have olives and olive oil in their diet. Now the first two are going to be spiritual. Because just as we are spiritual, we are physical and the last five are going to be physical reasons.
And so the first thing is, the first reason why we need to eat olives and have olive oil in our diet is so that we can remember when we have it at the dinner table to teach our family the message of salvation. And the second reason spiritually is to recognize God at work in our lives. The olives had to go through a pressing. So the first pressing was the oil that was used for the tabernacle, it was used for lighting in the tabernacle. And that's going to be the purest oil, we always offer God. The first of our fruits, the purest that we have, the second oil press would have been used for fires, and then the third oil press would have been used for lighting in our homes. So we always want to give God our first fruits, we always the first pressing.
Now, let's move on to the five health benefits. These reasons are going to make it so you're going to be ready to go out and get some olive oil.
Number one is its anti histamine factor. By blocking special and his histamine receptors, it makes it so it provides us an anti inflammatory benefit. Well, so many people today take antihistamines for you know just so they can breathe so that they can, you know be able to be stronger and run faster but, and a histamine effect can be achieved through pure olives and pure olive oil. And so that's one benefit.
Next one is it lowers the risk of unwanted inflammation. Well, almost all inflammation is unwanted. Some of it is used to tell us we've got a problem and that's okay. But when we have consistent inflammation then we have trouble in our body. And so what it does is it just has an anti inflammatory effect. And that is going to help us to feel better.
Number three, is it lowers the level of C reactive protein. So C reactive protein is a blood measurement. Every time you're getting your bloodwork done, you should always get a CRP value done and you should track that result. And always keep track of those results. And I've done another video about doing that to keep track of your health. And we'll post that down below as well.
Number four, there actually is a pathway in your body called the arachidonic acid pathway. And this is an inflammation process so it actually inhibits the inflammation process. So not only does it help to alleviate inflammation, it helps to inhibit the process of inflammation. Number five is the anti cancer properties. olives and olive oil when they are processed correctly when they have when you get the best quality olive oil. You're going to get an antioxidant effect because you get an antioxidant called glutathione and glutathione is like your master antioxidant. It's like the king of antioxidants.
So if we can, you know, inhibit that with glutathione, the master antioxidant, which we get from olives, and olive oil, then we get the health benefits that give us the wow factor. And so these are five of the physical benefits, why you should add olives and olive oil in your diet. But it all comes down to this. Just as we are spiritual. We are physical. And just as we are physical, we are spiritual. So Jesus uses stories of food to teach us physical aspects of who we are, so that he can then teach us the spiritual elements of who we are.