Healthy Church Culture: Creating an Atmosphere of Care - Maurice Nightingale
This talk looks at the importance of creating a relational culture of genuine care, released through leaders into the life of local churches, and gathering these leaders into community with leaders of other churches. Such relationships would be characterised by a fatherly family atmosphere and willing leadership accountability.
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Maurice Nightingale is a member of the Relational Mission core team with responsibilities that include the supervision of early-stage church planting on the mainland of Europe, in particular training and coaching pioneer leaders and developing strategies for both initiating and supporting church plants. Originally from London, and following a short career as a military engineering officer, he has since been involved for over 30 years in two main areas of service: planting churches and reviving failing churches. Maurice completed a master’s degree studying philosophies of church movement succession, exploring New Testament church leadership principles and practices. Maurice is married to Rachel, with four adult children.