How To Make Sour Cream And Cream Cheese - Better Than Store-Bought!
Learn how to make sour cream and cream cheese today!
Here are simple ways on how to make sour cream that’s healthy, tasty, and cheap - great for your recipes!
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Today, I'm going to teach you how to make sour cream and cream cheese. This is so important to understand, because the ingredients you may already have on hand. And actually, it's only one ingredient which makes it very simple.
You could do it with just a cheese cloth, or a very nice kitchen towel. What I'm going to use here today is just some basic whole fat yogurt. And I'm just going to put it into my cheese cloth. And I'm just going to go ahead and use the entire container. And I'm not really promoting any certain brand, the brand I'd love to promote is that you make your own yogurt.
Okay, so there, I'm just going to put in my yogurt, I'm using a whole fat yogurt, and I definitely want no sweetener in the yogurt. So we don't want our cream cheese to have a flavor of vanilla or other ingredients. And we don't want our cream cheese or sour cream to have those flavors. So unflavored. Now, I've taught you many times, I don't want you buying flavored yogurts anyway, I want you to do the flavoring. And I want you to do the adding in and not mankind, or manufacturers. So what we're going to do is once we have put it in our bowl, we're going to go ahead and just wrap it up with our cheesecloth.
And that's all we're going to do is we're just going to let this sit in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours. So this is one way we're going to do it.
This time, what we have here is we have a mesh lining, and we have kind of a, you know, a container to capture the way. So what happens is and you've seen this happen all the time with your yogurt, you'll see that when you haven't been in your yogurt for a couple of days it starts to separate. Now you may think if you're not very familiar with yogurt, that that's not good. And but really you could just stir that back together. and make your yogurt nice and creamy. But what we're going to do today is we want that separation.
Now, I said 12 to 24 hours, because after 12 hours, you will have strained off enough. I'll put this in the refrigerator, you will have strained enough to have sour cream, sour cream, cream cheese, the only difference is how much whey is in it. So we're going to put these two in the refrigerator. Now I have already made a batch of sour cream. I strained this for 12 hours. And you can see I have some very creamy sour cream. So I can use this in any my recipes, we could put it on some big potatoes, I could make a dressing with it. I could do so much with the sour cream, I don't need to tell you how to use your sour cream because you already have a lot of reasons and a lot of ways to use your sour cream.
Now once you have it strain the way you want it, if you want to make a block of cream cheese, you would just go ahead and find a nice kind of a block size container. And then go ahead and just put your cream cheese in there your yogurt cheese, and then just spread it out nice and smooth. You would then just cover it up, had it down nice and smooth. And you could even let the sit just a little bit in the refrigerator, maybe an hour so that it sets really well. And the towel is going to keep it nice and fresh while it's in the refrigerator so you don't need to cover it up anymore. Let that sit and then you'll be ready to flip that onto a plate and make a great hors d'oeuvre. So what we're also going to do now let me just go ahead and use this batch Am I open that up, I'm not going to flip it onto a plate instead. We have such terrific cream cheese here.
I am totally going to flavor this up for the holidays. Make a little bit of it a savory flavor, throw in some herbs and some spices. And I'm not sure what all garlic is, definitely garlic and some fresh green onions or some shallots. Or I can make it sweet with some cinnamon, some vanilla, and maybe a few others, maybe a little touch of nutmeg. That would be a delicious treat as well.