Are You Eating God's Way? Q&A 85: How To Start A Biblical Diet
What's a Biblical diet and why does it matter?
Here's how to start a Biblical Diet and start eating God's way!
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1. I've followed vegan/ vegetarian choices for years with Genesis 1:29 focus.
Of late, struggling & food choices are NOT the best. Looking for a Christ-
centered group to help in more nutritional choice, filling & help to fight old
habits that too easily sneak back in & become a focus. - Lynne
Take a step back and ask yourself ‘why’
Why am I eating. I discuss this in the 7 steps to amazing biblical health.
Why are you eating?
Are you hungry?
Does it smell good
Are you lonely?
Then ask yourself - “Do I eat because of habits or thoughts?
To change habits - write down the thought and/or habit.
Are you eating more than you need? Then start a new habit of what to do when you are satisfied.
We just had this on our last Inner Circle coaching group.
And I must add you are asking for a group - a Christ centered group to help - then the Inner Circle is where you will be at home. Join us at the table as we discuss your questions and your successes.
This is exactly the type of question we answer in the group.
You will walk away after each call and know for certain that it was good to be with friends and learn success!!!
2. I have been Whole Food Plant based for a number of years. Is it healthy to
do the Daniel way of eating long term? - Georgia
Yes, Daniel ate like this for 3 years at least. Perhaps even longer.
We were created to eat whole plants - they include proteins, carbohydrates, fats and all the essential vitamins and minerals. When we include the freshly milled grain we can be satisfied with less and enjoy it more.
The Daniel Fast - book and course have numerous recipes that will be sure to please your famly. Find the ones that everyone loves and make them regularly on your menu.
Then continue to find more.
More nutrients are found in God’s plants than in any altered food and even more than meats.
3. What is meant by fasting in the Bible? I’ve read it and understand secular
methods, what is God’s method? - Michael
Fasting is mentioned over 40 times in the Bible. Each circumstance has different variables, yet the sole purpose is to hear from God. It is an intentional going without to gain within.
Esther fasted for protection of the entire Jewish race, Ezra fasted for God’s deliverance. Daniel did a partial fast to show how God cares for his own.
Jesus fasted in preparation for his ministry.
Moses fasted because he was in the presence of the Lord.
Different variables yet same mission - to go without to gain within.
We can use the teaching of today with intermittent fasting and omad fasting for the same purpose.
I love that fasting has gained such a following.
Fasting can be for religious reasons or fasting can be for relationship reasons.
Relationship always bring more satisfaction then for religion.
A relationship with the Lord is healing begins and love overwhelms.
God’s method can be different for each of us.
A total water fast - Esther, Moses, Jesus
A vegetable fast - Daniel
Or a bread fast as in Ezekiel.
The point is not as much what type of fast - it is that you are willing to go without to gain more within - spiritually.
And while you are doing this spiritually, your body will thank you physically.
4. How should I do to stay consistent with the healthy journey in God's
Perspective? - Lena
Stop focusing on the food and focus more on the relationship with the Lord.
To finish this race well - we eat for nourishment - period.
To eat for other reasons makes this work.
Eat when hungry - stop when satisfied.
Then move on to other areas in life that are more fulfilling.
Every day give yourself credit for doing well and keeping life in perspective.
Food has a place. Worship has a place
Work has a place
Family has a place.
Keep food as only nourishment. Then let life fill that void that was filled with dieting, bingeing, and stuffing feelings with food.
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