13 Foods That Fight Depression And Anxiety | What To Eat & Avoid!
What are the best foods that fight depression and anxiety?
Eat more of these foods that reduce anxiety and depression and avoid the ones that trigger these issues - watch the video to learn more!
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Foods That Fight Depression And Anxiety
Today, I'm only going to answer one question because this question is very important. And I know it pertains to a lot of people. What are the best foods for anxiety and depression? What are the foods that cause anxiety? What foods make you depressed?
So depression and anxiety are fully exasperated within two areas of our body, which include the brain and the gut. Now this means depression and anxiety is made worse or it can be improved within these two areas. Yet, they're contributed to by our mind. Now our mind is different than our brain.
Our brain is the chemistry of our cells, the communication between our systems, the automated direction to breathe and to beat.
Our mind is fed by the chemistry in our brain, yet our mind can control our brain and our desires, such as depression and anxiety. The key component to understand this is to understand what serotonin is. Serotonin is the key component to feeling depressed and feeling agreeable. There are several studies that prove that what our mind believes our brain and gut respond to. So even though the question is about food, we need to focus on our thoughts and our emotions. These feed the depression and the happy attitude. They are also not the sole reason for either option.
There are several studies that prove that what our mind believes our brain and gut respond to.
Do you crave sugar? Do you crave Doritos? That means the microbiome and your system loves those foods, and they act like a two year old throwing a tantrum when it's withheld. So when you start to feed your body, the foods that we're going to give you a list with, you may have a tantrum happening in your body and you may go through an overwhelming cravings, headaches, those bacteria, don't leave quietly, yet, they will leave if you starve them, so don't give it.
So what are the best foods that fight depression and anxiety?
1. Fiber-rich foods (oats, whole wheat, etc)
2. Fruits and vegetables
3. Chia seeds
4. Raw nuts
5. Dark leafy vegetables
6. Beans
7. Lentils
8. Chickpeas
9. Organic cocoa
10. Fermented foods
11. Kefir
12. Yogurt
13. Fermented vegetables
Always remember, all foods created by God and written as a prescription for your health from God will bring the healing to our body that we desire. We don't need a white lab coat or Dr. Google to reinforce what our hearts and minds think of the foods that God's created for that it creates an environment for our body for healing.
This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Reeder and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Annette Reeder nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
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