How To Do A Fast And Succeed - Q&A 66: Daniel Fast Vs Intermittent Fast
Many people ask me - how to do fast
Well, today, we’ll talk about how to do a fast, what’s the Daniel Fast and intermittent fasting and how to do these.
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The questions today are all about how to do a fast. Fasting is just one of those disciplines that has been ignored in our churches. I've never been taught fasting before. Yet today, I'm going to answer your questions about it. So this is fantastic.
1. There's so much hype today about intermittent fasting. Is it similar to the Daniel fast?
The Daniel fast is about the food such as eating seed bearing foods for a specific amount of time, typically 21 days, intermittent fasting is about the clock. It's about time. So it's delaying eating until a predetermined time has passed. So an intermittent fast can actually be 12 hours overnight, which I highly recommend for everyone just a standard. Another intermittent fast would be to increase the 12 hours to more such as 14 hours, 16 hours or even more. Now Jesus fasted completely for 40 days. And this was about time with God while he was preparing for his very short three year ministry. Both can be done at the same time for an even better result. So you can do intermittent fasting combined with the Daniel fast and spiritually and physically it works.
Or you can choose one over the other for specific reasons that are important to you. Fasting is biblical when we make it about our relationship with the Lord. Fasting is dieting when we exclude the relationship aspect.
2. I'm a bit confused about the plan. In some of your videos, you talk about the Daniel fast. But then I see another video where you're making pizza with meat and cheese. I need to lose weight and I am a Christian, and just desiring some help.
The Daniel fast is a great place to start. It's also a helpful way to eat for life. For my husband and I it was the perfect way to get started on this so that we could eat into the Lord. We did not keep it though we started with a dandy fast, but then my husband likes to eat meat. But it is a plan that we can implement anytime we want to. So we eat following the three principles that I teach about eating the foods God called Good, eat the foods that are close to God's design, and then let no food specific food or food itself become an addiction. These principles can be applied to the Daniel fast, and also to just eating in general. They're timeless principles.
3. How can I maintain my strength when I'm away and there are trigger foods everywhere waiting for me to be tired and hungry and out of options?
First of all, trigger foods are a mental grab before they are a hand grab. It is a decision to bite into trigger foods so it started in your mind. When you follow the hunger satisfied journal. You can plan the day, you can plan that you're going to be tired and hungry, you can plan ahead, knowing that that's going to happen. How you plan can actually create better habits.
This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Reeder and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Annette Reeder nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
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