Fight COVID-19 and Cancer with This! AMAZING Benefits of Tomatoes


Fight covid 19 and cancer with this fruit!
Find out how tomatoes can help you to prevent cancer, Covid 19 and other diseases!

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Today, it's another grocery discovery, I really should say it's another God's gift discovery because every food that he created is going to go into our body and do what it's designed to do. And today, this food is no different.

This is actually a food you're very familiar with. In fact, you have it probably once or twice a week in most families. Yet, I want you to understand how it works in your body, and how it helps to prevent and protect against this C word. Actually, today, there's two C words that we're going to deal with. And that is cancer and COVID.

You may think, Oh, I'm just tired of COVID. Well, we all are. But there's a long COVID that people are dealing with a long recovery from COVID. And we need to understand what's going on in the body and how God's foods can actually help us recover quicker, and also help us to prevent from getting it in the first place.

And yet we can do things every single day of our life to prevent that. And same is true of cancer. The way this food has an anti angiogenic effect. Remember, I've taught that to you in the other videos in regards to the 12 cruciferous vegetables, all of the different foods. angiogenic means a blood vessel grows from your body to a tumor. So if we have an anti angiogenic effect, hey, we have an interruption to cancer.

As we look at all of the delicious foods that God has created, yes, food is part of the equation, it's at least 50% of the equation. But the other part of the equation, the other 50% is the power of the body to take these foods, these foods that God created, and then to turn our body cells around to give us the health the immune system that we were created to live an abundant life with.

When we have a strong immune system, it helps to protect our body, from outside invaders, bacteria, viruses, all of the different elements in the environment. Yet it's also protected against the internal viruses, the internal problems that we have. And that's where cancer grows, it's an inside invader, and the external toxins or the outside invader, yet a strong immune system, which is what I'm trying to teach you how to build is going to protect against both.

Now Dr. William Lee, he did research he helped to actually bring about over 42 Different FDA approved drugs. But in his research, this is where his mind really started going to what God created. In his research, he was surprised to look at cancer drugs, and to look at the experiments.

So in the experiments, they would actually discover that they would use food to see if it would do the same thing. His entire role was to find out how they could design a cancer drug to inhibit the growth of a tumor. And that's what anti angiogenic foods do. So he then took different foods and realize, wow, they also have a tremendous effect on the blood supply to a tumor.

And those foods that he discovered were extracts from lemons, lavender, soybeans, green tea and olive oil. And really what he found was half of the foods that they studied were better than the drugs. The other half either were competitive with or they had a little bit lesser power.

Tomatoes have lycopene and it is is what is being shown to actually inhibit and protect against breast cancer and prostate cancer. In fact, they showed that women who were eating at least one tomato per day had a 40% less chance of having breast cancer.

Well there we have it on tomatoes, definitely a food that God has given us. So remember, eat the peelings, eat them fresh and also eat them cooked both ways you're gonna get a different nutritional bang for your buck.


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