The Five Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make - Nola Leach


Leadership is a blend of natural and spiritual gifts, and the Christian leader leads primarily from who they are, not what they do. Satan loves to pick off Christian leaders, and so by building on biblical examples and experience we examine the five biggest things the Christian leader can get wrong.

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Nola Leach is a co-leader of the European Politics and Society Network and former Chief Executive of CARE (Christian Action Research & Education), one of Europe’s leading Christian charities, which provides resources and helps bring Christian insight and experience to matters of public policy and practical caring initiatives. CARE undertakes a variety of social caring and educational programmes and research and is represented in the UK Parliaments and Assemblies. She has a passion for developing Christian leaders. She is increasingly in demand as both a writer and a public speaker, has penned numerous articles, and regularly appears in the media.


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