How to earn FREE crypto (on Coinbase)
Yes $56. You can earn FREE crypto on Coinbase and this video will show you exactly how to do it. And if you want another $10 you can use this link to open an account there:
All right. Today, we are talking about how to earn free cryptocurrency using the world's most popular cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase. And when I say free, I mean, literally free and, uh, up to $56 at this point. And so I've been having a lot of people ask me about cryptocurrency and wanting to get started. And this is a perfect way because you can actually get started with someone else's money. You can get $56 of free cryptocurrency, and then you can play with it without experimenting with your own money. If we're a little bit nervous.
And then as you get more comfortable and want to invest some of your money, you can, And so here we are inside of my Coinbase account. And so if you look over here, you'll see this learning earn section in which I've earned $54 out of 56 available at this point, I'm going to walk you through how to earn those other $2 in just a minute.
And essentially what you're doing here is you're getting paid to learn about a new cryptocurrency. Now, for those of you who hate learning, don't freak out. This is super fast. Each one of these lessons is like a minute long and you literally are just reading a few paragraphs and then you take a one question quiz, which I'll go through all this in just a minute.
And then you get paid. And so for me to earn these $54, I want to say it probably took me maybe a total of an hour and possibly even less. So this can be super fast. And then you earn free cryptocurrency, not a bad deal at all.
So now the first step is to actually open an account at Coinbase. And I'm not going to go into all the details of how to do that. I'm gonna assume that you know There's a similar to opening a bank account where it's going to require a little bit of time to actually go through the process and open it up.
But I'll assume that you have that account open or you save this video and come back once you get the account opened, because it'll likely take you a day or two to get the account actually opened.
so now once you have the account open, you'll have this little learning earn section here. We can just click over here and I'll go through the process of what this looks like. And so a lot of these have already gone through, um, but this particular one, this bounce token, um, I'm going to go ahead and click start lessons.
So I've already gone through one of them. I'm I start this lesson.
So now we're just going to read through a series of six stories about this cryptocurrency, for what it's worth. You don't need to understand it. Most people probably have no idea what they're talking about. You need to answer one question about it at the end to earn the reward and we can skip through this at our own speed.
Um, if you're a little faster than the stories, progress.
And then once you get done, you can click take quiz.
I'm going to say, create and participate in auction. And just like that, you just earned a dollar in auction and the auction is actual coin name. And then we can go to the next lesson. You can just keep going through all these different things.