Why it’s not “my body” but it IS my choice




More on this topic:
You Are Not Your Own article - www.desiringgod.org/articles/you-are-not-your-own

Embrace Grace - (a WONDERFUL ministry that supports & loves women who have an unplanned pregnancy) embracegrace.com/

Is Numbers 5 referring to God causing an abortion? www.gotquestions.org/Numbers-abortion.html

If God is good, why do I suffer? Video www.youtube.com/watch

Why does God allow so much suffering and evil? Video www.youtube.com/watch

My video on abortion - www.youtube.com/watch

What does the Bible say about abortion? article www.gotquestions.org/abortion-Bible.html

How can I experience healing and recovery after an abortion? www.gotquestions.org/abortion-healing-recovery.html

What does the Bible say about reproductive rights? www.gotquestions.org/reproductive-rights.html

How should a Christian view weight loss? article www.gotquestions.org/Christian-weight-loss.html

What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol? www.gotquestions.org/sin-alcohol.html

Is gluttony a sin? www.gotquestions.org/gluttony-sin.html

What does it mean that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? article www.gotquestions.org/body-temple-Holy-Spirit.html

What did Jesus mean when He said, “the eye is the lamp of the body” (Matthew 6:22)? article www.gotquestions.org/eye-lamp-body.html

Verses this video was founded on:
-1 Corinthians 6:3
-2 Corinthians 6:13-16
-1 Corinthians 1:20-27
-1 Corinthians 4:1-2
-1 Corinthians 6:19-20
-Romans 11:46
-John 17:2
-John 1
-Hebrews 1:3
-Colossians 1:17
-Matthew 6:26-34
-James 1:17
-Romans 12:1-2
-1 Corinthians 10:31
-Matthew 26:41
-2 Corinthians 4:16
-Matthew 5:29
-Matthew 25:14-30
-1 Peter 4:10
-Romans 11:36
-Romans 8:9
-1 Corinthians 3:16

PO Box address:
Becca Eller
PO Box #20
10420 State Street
Mossville, IL 61552

I make all of my videos for Jesus - I would be lost without Him.

To find a gospel-centered, Christ-centered church visit: www.thegospelcoalition.org/churches/

To find out how to have eternal life with God visit: www.gotquestions.org/eternal-life.html

To find Christ-centered Bible resources visit: www.thedailygraceco.com/REBECCAE

Links to my…
-Instagram: www.instagram.com/farawaydistance/
-Spotify: play.spotify.com/user/farawaydistance
-Merch: www.bonfire.com/store/farawaydistance/
-Etsy shop: www.etsy.com/shop/CauseCourageCo
-Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/farawaydistance24/
-Teachers Pay Teachers: www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Mrs-Bowens-Store

“How are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard?” Romans 10:14 ESV


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