When Your Church Looks More Like a Humanitarian Corporation than a Gospel Soul-Winning Machine
Melissa Dougherty
This is a short clip from a longer video discussing one of the many issues I go over in the MegaChurch model. The longer version of this video can be found here:
In my experience with the MegaChurch, I sometimes wonder if it looks more like a humanitarian corporation than a Gospel soul-winning machine. Jesus made crowd-thinning statements. He cared about both our souls and our physical needs and differentiated the two. Why is there such an over-emphasis on meeting our physical and emotional needs in the church and not on teaching what the Bible actually says? Can't we do both?
Other Resources:
What Is the Gospel?: youtu.be/YkxEdB_3QLM
Definitely worth watching American Gospel: www.americangospelfilm.com/
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/NewAgeToChristianity/
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