3 Ways New Moms Can Keep Their Spiritual Sanity


Rev. Courtney Ellis outlines 3 ways for new moms to keep their spiritual sanity when caring for that little one.

Because things may look so different with a baby or toddler to care for, a new mom may not always be able to get that hour of devotion time. So Rev. Ellis suggests contemplating Jesus as you're driving or folding laundry, resting whenever you can, and another tip that new moms may find useful.

When things become overwhelming, and caring for a baby or toddler may edge out important practices you were used to, Rev. Ellis encourages new moms to think about incorporating some of these tips and remember that Jesus is with you in the boat as you work to hang on to your spiritual sanity during difficult times.

00:00 - Intro and It's Going to Look Different
00:52 - Contemplation
02:15 - Audio Resources
02:53 - Nap for 15 Minutes


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