COVID Prevention Guide & FREE PDF Download Included - A MUST-WATCH!


This COVID prevention guide is all you need!
Know how to prevent your risk of COVID by following these preventative steps and how to prevent long-term effects of COVID 19.

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COVID Reference Guide FREE download

Building your Immune System to protect yourself:

Protease -
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Three things that you need to know about COVID:

1. It’s a clotting disease.

It's not a lung issue, it's a clotting issue. It's an inflammatory clotting disease, when you understand what it is we understand how to treat it, or how to prevent it. It's not a lung disease. So if you don't stop the clotting factor, then a person dies. And that's what we want to do. And it's been very successfully treated and very successfully prevented the increase of death.

2. The first seven days are critically important.

So when you know someone who says I'm starting to get sick, and we're going to talk about the symptoms, you need to start treating it immediately. "Well, let me just wait a couple of days, and I'll test and then I'll decide what to do." No, no, no, start treatment immediately.

3. You have effective options to protect yourself.

This is what I need you to understand, you do have options. Death is not a sentence that should be served with COVID.

How To Prevent COVID 19:

1. Medications

These medications very much anti viral, anti viral, anti inflammatory, and anti clotting properties. Highly, highly effective. People have been able to reduce the infection of COVID by using certain medications. And you can use these medications prophylactically. In other words, you could say, Well, I'm just going to do this as a precaution,
I'm not going to wait till I get COVID, I'm just going to take some medications as a caution.

2. Vitamin D

We have to have high levels of vitamin D in our body. So if you get a bad cold, and in fact, a couple weeks ago, I was kind of out of commission for two days, I kind of went down fast, but I popped back up fast. Because I did super high levels of vitamin D. If you have a high level of vitamin D, you're not going to die from COVID.

3. Supplements

We want vitamin d3, we want to have vitamin C and we want B complex. And if you're over the age of 50, you want to have an extra B 12. We want to keep that energy up and we want to keep that mindset in a good mood.

Best Diet If You Have COVID-19

Now, let's go on a diet. This is my specialty, the diet when you are sick, no meat, meat is harder to digest. It doesn't come with enzymes, and we need enzymes, we need massive enzymes, we need protease enzymes, I'm going to put a link to that down below. Protease enzymes just really help our body to process inflammation to get rid of inflammation.

We want juices, we want lemon juice, warm lemon juice, hot lemon juice, that's fine. Whatever comfort you have, lime juices are good. We want lots of yogurt. Soup, if you can make some butternut squash soup or some pumpkin squash soup, you know any of those soups would be really good. You could do rice, just make sure it's very well cooked. We don't want anything to irritate it. You can do eggs for high protein, you can do protein powders.

This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Reeder and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Annette Reeder nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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