How To Teach Kids To Pray ~ Best Bible Verses For Prayers
How do you teach kids how to pray?
Join me and Carol Graham as we talk about teaching kids how to pray - simple and basic that they will carry on for the rest of their lives!
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Today we're gonna talk about how to teach your kids to pray. Now, that may sound simple enough, many people will teach their children how to pray when they go to bed.
Learning how to teach your children to make their prayers personal. Thank you, Jesus for helping me, and finding the Scripture, specifically, as adults, we would do this to give them the opportunity to pray that personal message to them.
Many times, kids are taught just to come to God with their laundry list of Santa items, you know, we treat them like Santa. But what you're saying is come to the Lord and just be full of thanks. And Thanksgiving, like it says in Scripture, and teaching them that. So how would we, but you are also very diligent and teaching people to pray God's word. So how do we add that into these prayers of things?
One of the greatest, I believe prayers in the New Testament is in Ephesians, a third chapter, and it covers everything. And what I always teach people to do, and there's no reason why we can't teach children of any age to do this, as well is read that passage, read that prayer. And instead of just saying, where it says, you put their name in there, you know, make it personal.
So you would have prayed to your son's grace to you. He's from God, our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ... And so on.
Explain what it means so that they're not just praying words. You don't want them to just repeat scriptures and memorize things and pray words, you want them to have the understanding of what it means to them.