FIGHT Cancer, Virus, Etc! Q&A 76: Best Foods That Help Your Body Heal


Eat these foods that help your body heal!
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The questions today are all centered around foods that help your body heal. And this is important as we look at Scripture as we look at what God has given us. And then as we look at what has happened to our food today, and how our body is not happy, we're going to talk about this. And these are all your questions.

1. I just finished chemotherapy. Do I need a diet to remain in good health? - Dang

We start with the three principles, eat the foods that God called good for us, and eat these foods that are close to his design. After chemo, there is a seven year rebuilding. These seven years need to take place. We need to assist the body in removing and rebuilding. So start with making every day and Amen day by serving yourself the most amazing foods. Starting with the three principles, choose real foods. We need nutrient density. We are rebuilding a very harmed body and there is no skimping on the good food that God designed. Enjoy two to three meals per day. So start with each meal with a bite of protein.

We want our body to remove all of the leftover debris that from the chemo from radiation from treatments. And so we need to give our body the very best protein and the very best fiber at every meal. These two work best when they're combined with really good water. Top that with some super amazing salads every day. So never soda, ice cream, dairy or conventionally raised animal products.

2. I'm currently a dialysis patient, but I'm believing for total healing. My MD has been on a renal diet, which means low potassium, low phosphorus and high protein. Is your plan doable in this situation? - Karen

This is going to definitely work in your situation because it is a plan that fits every situation. If it's every diagnosis, the kidney was created to heal, which is why it flushes it flushes and that's what it does for you. We need the vegetables to be broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, green beans, celery, parsley, your kidneys love celery and parsley.

3. When cooking the peels of grapefruit, Oranges and Lemons, do you bring them to a boil and then sleep for three hours? Also, what blood test exactly are you talking about? That we should order every six months. I'm so thankful that I came across this channel. - Mikki

The recipe is to use the peelings of the organic grapefruit in lemons. And then add three cups of purified water and then let it simmer on the stove for three hours. Try not to bring it to a boil. That was a mistake when I was cooking it but I showed you the mistake is like no, we just wanted to simmer. If you don't just let the water boil away it will become too concentrated, you'll start having sores in your mouth because it's just too concentrated. And it's going to cause irritation. It still works but it causes irritation.

Thanks for letting me share with you today’s topic, and I hope it added value to you!

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