7 Steps To Surviving And Preventing Cancer - A MUST WATCH!
Surviving and preventing cancer is ultimately possible.
Find out more about these 7 takeaways to surviving and preventing cancer from best-selling author, international speaker and cancer survivor, Ginny Brant.
Get access to the FREE Biblical Health Plan: thebiblicalnutritionist.com/free-7-steps-to-amazing-biblical-health/
Cancer Fighting Recipe: thebiblicalnutritionist.com/2-fruit-that-help-you-fight-cancer/
Healthy Recipes and Articles: thebiblicalnutritionist.com/
Online Courses: www.biblicalnutritionacademy.com/
Beta Glucans www.betterwayhealth.com/
Water Drop water filtration systems www.waterdropfilter.com/
Safe, non toxic and effective house cleaning products I trust links.branchbasics.com/biblicalnutritionist
Unleash Your God-Given Healing: 8 Steps To Prevent And Survive Cancer by Ginny Brant www.amazon.com/dp/1973688123
Check out Ginny’s website to learn more about cancer prevention www.ginnybrant.com/
Is surviving and preventing cancer possible?
What is feeding what's causing all of the rare cancers to become no longer rare?
What is actually going on?
What are the risk factors for cancer that you may not be aware of?
So we're going to share that with you. We're also going to explain how God designed a filtering system to protect us. And sometimes it's not working well because of what we're doing. And then we're going to end with what are your 7 takeaways that you can start doing today to prevent cancer in your body.
Ginny Brant was diagnosed with an aggressive and estrogen fed breast cancer just four months after her mother died from breast cancer. She was known as a health nut but when she sat down with the doctors as they gave her this terrible diagnosis, they looked at her and they said they didn't understand.
She did not have any of the risk factors as listed by the American Cancer Society for breast cancer and then they did extensive genetic testing thinking it was genetic. She went on a quest to discover what caused her cancer number one because if she don't know what caused it, how could she prevent it from coming back? And number two, what she could do to lessen the side effects and of all the treatments her doctors were doing.
Five systems that are God's filtering agent for our body:
1. Skin - your skin is your largest detox organ. And that's why it's so important that you hydrate and that you sweat.
2. Liver
3. Lungs
4. Colon
5. Kidneys
7 Takeaways that we need to prevent cancer:
1. Fiber
In the morning, you should drink a lot of water. And then by 10, you should be in the bathroom, and your body should be eliminating as many toxins as possible. And so we have to have good fiber. Well, that's going to come from cruciferous vegetables that's going to come from our seeds. You talked about flax seeds, nuts, seeds.
2. Eat organic.
I have a farmer and had to drive about 40 minutes to go work on his farm in exchange for food, but he grows 100% organic and he has a very well producing farm. But I will do that in my busy schedule because I need organic produce.
3. Sauna
It's important to sweat every single day, you can do that by getting on a bike or walking. The sauna is a wonderful tool to really get that core temperature up, and sweat from deeper within.
4. Stop drinking tap water
The greatest thing you can do is stop drinking, tap water and drink filtered water. Because a lot of these chemicals get into the water table. And you cannot expect the water company to get all we live in a toxic world, you can't expect them to get all of these toxins and plastics out. So it's considered your responsibility to filter the water at your own home.
5. Skin care products
Simply swapped out to cleaner cosmetics, use pure coconut oil on your skin and learn to read labels.
6. House cleaning products
So home cleaners, you can totally do this with just vinegar, baking soda, you can clean your entire home with that. Again, I don't always like to make up my own and I don't like the smell of vinegar. So I'll put a link to the company that I have that I use that is just very economical and very safe. And that's that's important.
7. Beta Glucans
Under anything, you can mix with the chemotherapy to make it work better, and to possibly use less chemotherapy because it makes the chemotherapy more powerful. And I think that's the future of cancer treatment that I hope we'll eventually get to in this country using less chemo, not more chemo.
Thank you for watching this video and letting us share with you God’s recipe for excellent health. Remember, He's given us a filtering system, yet chemicals and synthetics overstimulate and so we have to be very careful, very mindful of that.
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