The Jesus Model: How Simple Principles from the Life of Christ Can Transform - Robert Chestnut


Since youth culture is a constantly moving target, those who work with young people are often looking for something “new.” What are the latest trends, how do we capture young people’s attention, what will make our programmes attractive and contemporary? While there is nothing wrong with being trendy, the most profound insights about youth ministry are actually very “old.” We forget that Christianity began as a youth movement. Many of Jesus’ disciples were teenagers when he called them. How did his youth group launch a movement that changed the world? If Jesus were to teach us how to lead an effective youth ministry today, what would he say? 

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Rob Chestnut is the director of training for Josiah Venture, a youth ministry organization serving Central and Eastern Europe. He studied organizational communications at Cedarville University before moving to the Czech Republic in 2003 where he found a passion for working with young people both in Europe and America. He and his wife, Audrey, joined Josiah Venture in 2010 and served in their English camp ministry for 6 years before moving back to America to serve in their home church. He returned to Josiah Venture in 2019 settling in Ostrava, Czech Republic with Audrey and their two young girls. He loves to train up young people to know Jesus more, discuss great stories that unite us, and bring history alive for others to experience.

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