God's Word or Our Word: 7 Methodological Errors in Contemporary Liberal Theologies - Adam Szabados
Incorrect methods produce incorrect results. Or, as Marx said: "He who formulates the question, answers it." This is certainly true in theology. When we find ourselves in disagreement with contemporary liberal theologies, it is not sufficient to question their conclusions; we need to question the process itself that led to the problematic conclusions. In this talk, we look at seven methodological errors that contribute to erroneous conclusions in modern liberal theologies and one core issue that is the root of all seven.
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Ádám Szabados is a Hungarian theologian and the leader of the Hungarian Evangelical Forum. Until 2017 he had been a pastor for 20 years. He is married to Dóra and has two adult sons. He received his PhD in the area of New Testament at Károli Reformed University. His study on the Reformational understanding of sin has been published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He has written three books and also has a popular theological-apologetic website (divinity.szabadosadam.hu).