How Did We Get the Bible? What's in it? Should We Look at Other Beliefs? Train Them Up Series Part 4
This is the fourth video for our Train Them Up Series. In this video, we talk about the Bible, a little about what it is, and how we can be wiser for understanding other religious positions.
We have outlined the topics, but mostly want to show how we would naturally be when talking together. This is a new experience for us, so what you see is what you get. We’re kinda rolling with this. Jasmine helped with the topics and putting together what she wanted to talk about. She’s very excited to do this. This whole idea came from when I posted months ago about how my children and I do ‘religion club’ on Sundays learning about spiritual topics. It was very simple but effective. People had been asking me to do something like this ever since. This series is made for kids to watch as well, so the editing will be different than my other videos, though if you don’t have kids, this can be very useful on how to make effective talking points with people in general. These are also shorter, and please keep in mind that these topics are purposefully simplified. The point of these videos is to exemplify how I personally talk to my kids about Jesus and spiritual things, not go into deep theological detail. If this goes well, we might do more. I really hope you enjoy this series, and I hope it can help you and your child as well.
0:00- Intro
03:20- Beginning of Content
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Timothy Medina
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People Who Are a Lot Smarter than Me and Can Help you!:
Natasha Crain:
J. Warner Wallace:
Sean McDowell:
Mama Bear Apologetics: