When Should I Get My Worried Child Counseling?


If you've ever asked yourself, "When should I get my worried child counseling?" Josh and Christi Straub have some answers.

If your child is worried about an event they plan to attend, the Straubs say that one thing to look at is how he or she reacts after the event is over. Can they let it go? Or are they still fixated on it?

Also has their behavior gone way downhill recently? The Straubs address these and other questions they want you to consider when thinking about whether "I should get my worried child counseling."

For more great parenting tips from Josh and Christi Straub, check out their children's book What Do I Do with Worry: bit.ly/35SzR1T.

00:00 - Intro
00:12 - Worry is Situational
01:37 - Supporting Your Child in Therapy
02:46 - Parenting or Not Parenting Like Our Parents
03:42 - If You're Concerned, It's a Concern


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