3 Biblical Steps On How To Be Satisfied: Find Joy & Contentment In Life


Do you want to know how to be satisfied?
Here are three biblical steps for you to find joy and contentment in life!

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Hey Annette Reeder here for another taste and see moment. This is where we get to look into scripture and we get to understand how God uses different stories to teach us how to be satisfied in him spiritually and how the food that he's created for us will satisfy us physically. And I am praying that each one of you watching has had the experience of accepting Christ as your savior. And if you have not, then I pray that you either email me or call me right away. I don't want another moment to go by where you don't get to experience God's salvation.

Challenges in Achieving Satisfaction

So being content and being satisfied is also about what has been given to you. Now this is really key when it comes to our food because man is always trying to change our foods into something. The grocery store, as you notice, follows trends. You know, years ago we had the south beach trend and all of the foods said, South Beach. Then we have Paleo and now we have Keto, you know, it's all over the grocery store. When we are caught up in all of these flashy words, we're looking at packages that we probably shouldn't be buying in the first place.

Three Powerful Steps On How To Be Satisfied In Life

So today I just want to share with you three steps to be satisfied. The first step is the most important. You know, when you, when someone is writing a script for a movie, they have to fulfill the roles, the leading roles of the story.

Step 1: Invite God to be your Lord and savior

Well, you are the leading role of your own hallmark movie. So God wants you to invite him into your life to ask him to be your Lord and Savior. That is step number one to be satisfied when you study the story of Ruth and Boaz. Ruth trusted her mother-in-law and that led her to redemption through ribose says, and the redemption that Boaz brought is an example of our savior purchasing us for an inheritance. It's so beautiful. Go back and read the story of Ruth and Boaz. So step number one is accept the lord as your savior.
Step 2: Delight yourself in the Lord. Don't be looking for substitutes when God has already got the script written for you. So when we delight in ourselves, our pride leads to sin. But when we delight in him, we are, and when we delight in the Lord ours, we are satisfied in him.

Step 3: Live with enthusiasm. Did you know in Greek enthusiasm means God within and it's hard to live in enthusiasm when we're depending on the world to satisfy us. And that's just the truth.

So this is today's taste and see moment to help you see how scripture, how food and scripture intimately coincide, how God uses food to draw people to him, how God uses food to change the circumstances so that people will look to him.
06:01 This is Annette Reeder, The biblical nutritionist. Check out my youtube channel. Subscribe to that. And most of all be satisfied in what God is doing and how he's writing your own hallmark script.

This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Reeder and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Annette Reeder nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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