Jesus Walks on Water, Calms the Sea of Galilee , Feeds 5,000, Bethsaida, Matthew 14:22–33, Mark 6:52


Filmed in Israel on a Sea of Galilee boat ride! In-depth teaching of Jesus walking on water, calming the storm on the sea, Peter walking on water, feeding the 5,000, and more! See the mountain where Jesus prayed, where He fed the 5,000, Magada, Gennesaret, Tabgha, Capernaum, Bethsaida, Kursi, Sea of Galilee, and more. Matthew 14:22, Mark 6:45, John 6:16.
1. This miracle took place in the middle of the widest part of the sea. John 6:19, says it was about 3–4 miles (5.5 km.) from the eastern shore. The sea is about 8 miles (13 km.) wide at its widest part, so this would place them in the middle of the sea.
2. They were also a long way from land (Matt. 14:24). This means they were a long way from the northern part of the seashore as well.
Historical Background
1. The disciples had just come off an amazing time of preaching and healing all throughout Israel (Christ had sent them out two by two).
2. Jesus took them to the eastern side of the sea, south of Bethsaida, to rest. However, instead of resting, a large crowd gathered, and Jesus taught them all day and then fed them. There were 5,000 men, not counting women and children present, which means there were probably 15,000–20,000 people or more total.
3. After Christ fed the multitude, they wanted to make Him King by force (John 6:15). However, what they had in mind was an earthly kingdom wherein the Romans would be overthrown, and Jesus would return them to their glory days. This was prophesied in Scripture, but Christ’s earthly kingdom would not be realized until His second coming.
4. The disciples were caught up in the frenzy of the crowd’s desire to make Jesus King, so He immediately sent them away by boat to the other side of the sea.
5. The disciple’s hearts were hard, and Scripture says they didn’t learn anything from the feeding of the 5,000 (Matt. 16:5–12).
6. After feeding the 5,000, Jesus went up on a mountain to pray. He likely prayed that His disciples would learn the lesson of faith He was about to teach them. This lesson would involve sending a storm and revealing His deity to them.
7. Jesus purposefully allowed them to get to a state of utter disaster, fear, and desperation so what He was about to teach them would sink in deeply.
8. The narrative of Scripture would place the disciples sailing from the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee to the western shore.
Places of Interest (Please See Maps Above)
1. Feeding of the 5,000 location
2. Mountain upon which Jesus prayed
3. Departure beach
4. Bethsaida
5. Capernaum
6. Place Jesus walked on water
7. Gennesaret
8. Sea of Galilee
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Israel Biblical Sites Travel Guide
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