Why Should We Celebrate Biblical Feasts: Celebrating Biblical Feasts
Why is celebrating biblical feasts important for Christians?
Here are 10 reasons why we must celebrate these biblical feasts - and the spiritual benefits we can get by doing so.
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We're looking forward to that second coming, and they're looking forward to getting to know him as well. So also, in that book, celebrating the feast, Jesus in the feast, Dr. Booker, he goes on to explain because of this prophetic season in which we are living today, millions of Christians around the world are realizing that it is proper, it is good and it is pleasing to the Lord to celebrate Jesus in the feast. There are a number of benefits that Christians are experiencing by doing this.
1. A better understanding of the Bible.
2. A rediscovery of the Jewish roots of Christianity.
3. A fuller comprehension of God's plan of redemption.
4. A renewed passion for Jesus.
5. Greater insights into God's prophetic seasons
6. It gives us clearer and more powerful teachings through visual aids.
7. A discovery of our biblical church calendar.
8. A love for the Jewish people and understanding of the role of Israel in the Bible prophecy and current events.
9. Spiritual growth and a bonding among family members.
When our children and our grandchildren understand their roots, they're not going to leave their faith. It's been said, if you can take a teenager or a young adult to Israel and let them walk the steps Jesus walked go along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. There's not a professor in this world that can tell them it didn't happen, because they will say I've been there. I've witnessed it. So as I was taught in church growing up, if you participate in the festivals that Jesus enjoyed is pure legalism.
But I say it's not legalism, it's about love. It's not a burden that we have to do. It's a blessing we get to enjoy. You see, Legalism is putting myself under the law. Instead, I'm seeing the roots of my faith. I'm seeing the scarlet thread of Jesus and all that he did for me from Passover to the Feast of Trumpets, and Sunday to the Day of Atonement.
The more I learn, and the more I see each festival points, the next act in God's redemption story. In Romans 15:4 it says for whatever things were written before were written for our learning. The festivals were written for our learning. They were written for our learning as Christians to understand who Jesus was.
They are written for the Israelites, the Israel, the Jewish people today to understand how God redeemed his people and how he's coming to redeem them again. So if you want to really understand this, each celebration taught about the coming Messiah, the Old Testament Hebrew story, pointed to the New Testament Yeshua. If you want a clearer picture of God's complete story of redemption, just look at the biblical Feast. Now remember, these are called Feast of Our Lord, not feast of the Jews.
That's something a lot of people just don't get. It's like, oh, that's just a Jewish thing. No, these are Feast of Our Lord. And so here are some facts to help you decide how to celebrate these feats.