Classical Principle 3: Repitition is the Mother of Memory


Classical Education Principle three is repetition is the mother of memory. This principle is especially used in the grammar stage (early stages) of classical education.

The idea is that students get hold of a beautiful saying or phrase, word, jingle, or chant and they turn it over in their minds, reflecting on its beauty.

These days we've become a little allergic to repetition in schools. We say it's boring for the kids and embitters them towards learning. This would be true if we were making high-school-aged students learn their work by too much repetition. But, young children actually like repeating things and they're good at it!

It helps them store things that are 'true, beautiful, and good' away for later use.

'Repititio mater memoriae' is, therefore, a principle of classical education as it helps us learn so many things in the early years with ease.

#repitition is the mother of memory

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