What To Do When You Feel Discouraged In Your Biz


I want to talk to the business owner today who is feeling discouraged. Maybe you have encountered some problems in your biz lately and feel like giving up. Maybe you feel like you’ve lost time in your biz and that bad things are happening that are out of your control. Friend, that discouragement is not from The Lord. I want to encourage you today to take whatever is discouraging you and to use it as a pivot into something new that God could be calling you to do.

3 Things to Remember
1. The enemy comes at the beginning to discourage us.
2. Who pays the price for your discouragement?
3. Being encouraged = choosing courage

Listen to the podcast on pivoting: jenniferallwood.com/mondayfire55/

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***GEAR I USE***
Blue Yeti Microphone
Cheap Selfie Light
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