The TRUTH About Resistant Starch Health Benefits YOU NEVER KNEW!
You probably never knew about these resistant starch health benefits…
But today, I’ll share with you five BIG reasons why you should include these foods in your diet for health, weight loss, and more!
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The food we're looking for today is a resistant starch food. And we're going to talk about five foods that give us this resistant starch. So, resistant starch is a starch that doesn't get metabolized in the small intestine, it actually metabolizes in the colon.
So what happens when you eat a food that has resistant starch?
1. It feeds the bacteria in your colon.
2. It multiplies the bacteria, it ferments and feeds the bacteria.
3. It helps improve digestion.
4. It supports immunity.
5. It raises the short chain fatty acids, like butyrate. And this is what we're really going to camp out on. Because butyrate I taught you about this before and taught you about the microbiome.
Best Resistant Starch Foods:
1. Potatoes
So we really like the purple ones. They have a resistant starch. And this resistant starch like I've just been teaching you is what your microbiome loves because it helps produce butyrate. So we have butyrate here and it helps to reduce gas and bloating. It helps to reduce food intolerances, a lot of people don't understand how everything is related when it comes to food intolerances, it helps to reduce the risk of colon cancer. It helps to reduce autoimmunity, helps to reduce arthritis and helps to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's. And then the fifth reason why we want resistant starch in our diet is because it actually gives energy to our body. Instead of eating sugars and other foods like that we can eat these types of potatoes, young young potatoes, the purple and the reds are your best.
2. Barley
You know I love barley because it's one of the seven foods of the promised land as scripture talks about barley over and over and over. It is stamina, improving food. The athletes used it in Greece. It's just overall delicious food.
3. Oats
Making overnight oats for breakfast is the perfect way to get the resistant starch in your diet.
4. Lentils
You know, I love lentils, because we have so many stories in Scripture about lentils, be sure to check out my blog and my video about Esau and the lentils.
5. Green bananas
Now our fifth food is going to be green bananas. I've always liked green bananas, my husband always likes them super ripe. Yet, green bananas help us get that resistant starch. Green bananas have definitely become very popular in many of the different diet programs that are out there. And so what I want you to do is I want you to take these home, break off the stem and the bottom and then freeze it with the skin on. Now ideally you're buying organic bananas to do this. I would then cut off the stem, cut off the bottom, cut it in half, put it in the freezer and then throw that frozen banana in your smoothie the next day. Yes skin at all.
Here's five more takeaways for you. Number one, it helps you lose belly fat. Number two is lower blood sugar. Three feel full longer. So you're going to reach satiety sooner and balance cortisol. The when we learn how to balance our blood sugar, we have better mindset, we have less chance of Alzheimers, we have less chance of cancers because cancers can happen because of damaged cells, which become insulin resistant, they're not getting the glucose in that they need or they think they need and then we really have problems in our diet.
And we also have problems in our health. So in order to help prevent autoimmune issues, Alzheimer's issues and risk of cancer, we need to learn how to not be dependent on sugary foods.