Developing the Empathy of Christ - Ken Sande
Ken Sande is the founder Peacemaker Ministries and Relational Wisdom 360. Trained as an engineer, lawyer, and mediator, Ken has conciliated hundreds of family, business, church, and legal conflicts. As president of RW360, he now focuses on teaching people how to build strong relationships in the family, church, and workplace. He teaches internationally and is the author of numerous books, articles, and training resources, including The Peacemaker, which has been translated into fifteen languages. He is a certified Christian conciliator, an editorial adviser for Christianity Today, a certified Relational Wisdom instructor, and an Emotional Intelligence certified instructor.
Without empathy, it’s hard to have real relationship, do effective ministry, or share the gospel. The good news is that since each of us is made in the image of God, we have a natural capacity for developing and exercising God-like empathy. In this talk we examine and explore seven practical principles that enable Christian leaders to read other people, show genuine compassion, and minister in life-changing ways. These skills apply to all of life and can enrich your marriage, parenting, ministry, friendships and, most importantly, your witness for Christ.
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