Will Money Change You?


Today I want to talk about a major fear around making money... that you will change! A lot of people are scared that if they are a successful business person and have money, then suddenly they will become a snob and change into a person they don't like. I've always prayed, Lord give me as much as we can handle without breaking us. Friend, we have to stop thinking that having more money is going to make us into bad people! Where is your focus? There are people out there who need your product or service. Being afraid that money is going to make you a jerk, it is very unlikely that money will turn you into a jerk!

#moneyminset #money #business

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Join me for my Money, Faith, and Business virtual event! Think about the success you could have if you are able to get your money mindset, your faith, and your business in alignment with God's calling on your life. He has an amazing plan, but it is up to you to BE OBEDIENT! Sign up at: www.moneyfaithandbusiness.com/!

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