Five Things a "Sticky" Habit Needs
Is this the year you keep your resolutions, make good habits, and stick to them? Then join Alisa Keeton, founder of Revelation Wellness to help you do just that. Here are the five things a "sticky" habit needs.
Join us with ANY tax-deductible donation for the Clean Hearting challenge that begins on Jan. 10! Sign-ups close on Jan. 6. For 21-days, you'll:
•Train to be mindful of what goes into your body, how you move your body, and most importantly, how you honor God with your body.
• Learn how to be proactive in your health. How you think and how you fuel your body have a big impact on your health. You don’t have to simply react to sickness, you can work to prevent it!
• Learn to apply God’s Word to your whole self – heart, mind, soul, and body.
• Practice inside out wellness – because Jesus said what comes out of our mouths is connected to what we are storing up in our hearts. (Matthew 12:34)
#RWCleaningHearting #CleanHeart