TAKING THOUGHTS CAPTIVE: From Average To Renewed Thinking


TAKING THOUGHTS CAPTIVE: From Average To Renewed Thinking // We don’t normally think about taking thoughts captive when it comes to the realm of being Christian business owners. However, it’s our average thinking that will keep us back when it comes to building our business. So in today’s live stream I want to talk to you about taking thoughts captive - from average to renewed thinking.

Taking your thoughts captive is a directive that can be found in 2 Corinthians and one that you need to follow in order to transform your mind. Transformation of your mind cannot happen without taking your thoughts into captivity first. Once you are conscious of the thoughts you have going on you can begin to renew your mind with the thoughts and words of Christ!

If your average thinking is holding you back listen to this renew your mind sermon and try to understand how your renewed mind might look. What won’t you say to yourself any longer? What new things, holy things, good things, pleasing things will you speak over yourself and into your spirit to pursue a renewed mindset? A renewed mind is the key to winning spiritual warfare daily; learning to recognise when your thoughts are under attack and when they’re not aligning with the scriptures.

Transforming your mind (transforming your mindset) will no doubt be a lifelong journey but as a christian in business you have a duty to work on it not only for the sake of yourself but also for your customers and your staff.

#christianentrepreneur #renewyourmind #kingdombuilder

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