Brain, Heart, Immune System, & More?! Top 10 Avocado Health Benefits!


The Biblical Nutritionist


These 10 avocado health benefits will blow your mind!
Discover how avocado can improve your brain, heart, skin, immune system, and so much more!

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Today's fruit is all about avocados. Avocados are so rich in fat. This is an Omega three fat and an Omega six fat. This is not the fat that makes you fat. This is actually the fat that actually helps you get a better metabolism and to lose weight. This is what is going to build brain cells. With our brain cells. The stronger we are smarter it helps to decrease and Alzheimer's.

So we need healthy fats in our brain. Not only that it's an immune boost with all of the vitamins that you can imagine vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, six of the B vitamins. Alright, quiz. What a B vitamins is good for many things, especially pregnancy, and the life of that baby, but also your memory and your energy. Well that just kind of wraps up everything we're looking for is memory and energy right there. But it does so much more.

It has glutathione and glutathione is the master antioxidant. In fact, this food is a superfood in its own in his own little shell. And it's has such an A glutathione effect that glutathione is your master antioxidant. That means it's going to go up against any free radicals that come along. That includes cancer.

Specifically, avocados are very good for throat cancers are very good for breast cancer, prostate cancer, and even other cancers that I haven't mentioned. So you might want to make sure you get some avocados in your diet today.

It also has magnesium and manganese and potassium, more potassium than you're going to get in bananas. Potassium is very important for people who have heart disease or trying to prevent heart disease who want to level out their blood pressure. We also have zinc. Zinc is your immune system, and we have carotenoids.

So remember I said we have the Omega threes, the Omega six we have all of that all of this inside this avocado. So these fats are also going to help lower your LDL. So before you jump on a medication because your doctor says you have to have it. Change your diet first. This is what we do with my husband. We lowered his cholesterol from 300 to 160. Yes, triglycerides from 900 to 140. Yeah, the numbers are staggering, but they're true. And we did it all naturally. We did it with the Daniel fast you can check out my course for that. But we also did it by increasing we like tripled his fiber content for one month and boom numbers came down. You can do it too. And avocados are perfect for doing that.

It's my joy to share with you these grocery discovery videos I just want you to feel comfortable in the produce aisle and start to enjoy more and more different foods. Now there's more than one type of avocado so see if you can find other varieties or grow your own.

This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Reeder and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Annette Reeder nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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