What Is the Gospel, How to Share the Gospel, Evangelism, Missions, Great Commission, Salvation, Hope


For more info: www.toddmichaelfink.com/
Soon after the gospel was first preached, attacks from the Jews, non-believers, Satan, and worldly forces began assaulting its essence. Nothing has changed over the past 2,000 years. The gospel always has been and always will be under attack. Why? Because it’s the vehicle through which we are saved. If Satan can twist and distort the gospel, then he can effectively wage war on the salvation of countless souls and their eternal destiny. Therefore, understanding the essence of the gospel and how to share it effectively is paramount.
In this book, learn how to share the gospel in seven clear steps, how to start a conversation with the unsaved, the marks of saving faith, what we must believe to be saved, the four main excuses the unsaved use against the gospel, what to do after salvation, and more.
Contents of the Book:
Chapter 1: The Gospel Is Under Attack
Chapter 2: What Is the Gospel? General Foundation
Chapter 3: What Is the Gospel? Bad News Part 1
Chapter 4: What Is the Gospel? Bad News Part 2
Chapter 5: What Is the Gospel? Good News
Chapter 6: What Must We Believe to Be Saved?
Chapter 7: What Is Saving Faith?
Chapter 8: How to Share the Gospel in Seven Clear Steps
Chapter 9: What to Do After Salvation
Chapter 10: Seven Ways God Speaks to the Unsaved
Chapter 11: Four Main Excuses Used Against the Gospel
Chapter 12: How to Start & Converse About the Gospel
Chapter 13: What Attitudes to Have in Sharing the Gospel
Chapter 14: What God Does When We Share the Gospel
Chapter 15: Are You a Fisherman?
Chapter 16: Success & Failure in Sharing the Gospel
Dr. Todd M. Fink is a long-term missionary in Mexico and the founder of Go Missions to Mexico and Holy Land Site Ministries. He is a pastor, teacher, speaker, and author. As a life-long learner, he has earned a Bachelor of Theology Degree, Master of Divinity Degree, Master of Theology Degree, and a Ph.D. Degree in Theology.

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