Lessons Learned from Evangelism in the Balkans - Zefjan Nikolla


Religious freedom in the Balkans over the last 30 years has provided an unprecedented window of opportunity for evangelism after 600 years of opposition to the Gospel. Generally speaking, evangelistic efforts in the Balkans have been chaotic at best and culturally offensive at worst. God has blessed the proclamation of His Word in spite of less than effective and/or appropriate evangelistic methods. What are the lessons learned?

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Zefjan Nikolla is the General Secretary of BSKSH (IFES Albania) and pastor of Emanuel Evangelical Church in Tirana. He is involved in various national and international evangelistic initiatives ranging from youth ministries to attempts to reach government leaders. He is also the director of the Albanian Leadership Forum. His passions include sports, reading, and above all, seeing his nation turn to Christ. Zefjan is married to Edita and they have two daughters, Greis and Emili.


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