How To Break Food Addictions | Q&A 70: End Food Addiction, Forever!


Learn how to break food addictions… Forever!
Here are ways on how to break food addiction the biblical way, so you can achieve excellent health!

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Today the questions are all about how to break food addictions. Very important topic for our day and time is that there are more food addictions, more food cravings, more food, I just have eating disorders more than ever in the history of our world. And not that we don't read about it happening in biblical days. Yet today, it's just compounded because of all of the manufacturing of food, the processing, and just so many other things going on in our world, that food addictions are really rampant. And they shouldn't be because we as Christians always have the answers to these questions. And I'm excited to share this with you today.

1. I always fail at losing weight. I'm 100 pounds overweight? How do I change my mind from using food for comfort? Rather than for energy and health? It's hard for me to eat healthy and then no junk food or comfort food and stick to it. I always fail. I don't I don't know what to do.
- Anna

You are only one decision, you're only one decision away from losing that 100 pounds. And it is do I rise up, or just keep sitting here as I am?

2. I'm a five decade soda drinker. Is there a great tasting alternative to products without aspartame, acesulfame K, sucralose or stevia. I really enjoy my fizz. - Casa

I also would say there are people who say I'm a five decade hostess cupcakes junkie. Well, what is the alternative? We're not always looking for healthy food that looks and acts like smells like our addiction. We're to look for different food, walk away from addictions. When I walked away from soda and I said no more. I no longer enjoy fizzy drinks, that craving is gone. sealed it period done.

3. How do I break this addiction of having healthy food? And yet I still consciously go for unhealthy ones. - Kimmy

You've not decided you really want to be well until you make the decision. For real. The quandary is going to remain the struggle is real until you decide Do you wish to be well? Now the hunger satisfied journal is written for people like you people like me. It's full of important elements to help you discover the interferences and to master them. Use it wisely. And don't leave out any of the steps because they work well together. Make a decision. Your choice is more powerful than your circumstance. Just like and you're one choice away from conquering this.

4. How can I learn to live a healthier life God's way? I'm 60 years old, and I'm becoming more tired and weaker as every year month comes. I know I need to lose weight, make changes to be healthier, etc, etc. But I'm so overwhelmed as to where to start. - Brenda

Now in my beginning, I started with one decision to bike 20 miles in one day. I thought that was incredibly long. You have to make a decision or something that you've been desiring to do but you've been pushing it up because you thought you were too old. Well, let me just tell you 60 is not old for anything. Anything. Now then make the next decision today. Use the hunger satisfied journal to record your meals 24 hours ahead of time, and then follow through with your plan. Each day add one more of the elements in the hunger satisfied journal.

In the meantime, I just want to thank you for letting me share with you God's recipe for excellent help. Three ingredients, very simple. This is my ministry to you. Help you be confident in the kitchen with all of our cooking videos, competent in your health with understanding how God made your body and how we can do things to help improve it. And number three, most importantly, how much God loves you with an everlasting love the same yesterday, today and forever. And isn't that the most beautiful picture ever? Totally. It just really stirs my heart to know this matters to you as well.

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