Don't Use the Chicken Exit!


Starting your business can be scary. Friend, I get it. But there's an excuse I hear over and over again that I'm calling the chicken exit - it's when you don't do something to grow your biz because you are too chicken! Friend, if you've been following me long enough now you'll know I don't use fear as an excuse!! There is no guarantee that your business will be successful. You will never know what's on the other side of your obedience. Obedience is what matters most.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Join the Boost Your Biz Bootcamp!

We will take a deep dive into why your biz is stuck and provide the strategy to give your bottom line the BOOST you are looking for. It all starts on May 10th at 10:00 am! Go to to get signed up!

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***GEAR I USE***
Blue Yeti Microphone
Cheap Selfie Light
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