The Effects of Divorce On Children


Focus on the Family


The effects of divorce on children can be long-lasting. Dr. Danny Huerta talks with Dr. John Trent and Tim Sanford about why it's important to break the cycle of divorce in families.

The three explain how divorce impacts children at various ages and stages, and how children can face pain during the leadup to divorce if mom and dad are constantly fighting, when the separation happens, and even afterward when courts get involved and custody battles might take place.

Dr. John Trent shares his story of growing up as a child of divorced parents and the difficulties he experienced because of it. The three provide clear examples of ways to talk to your kids if you're facing divorce, how to tell if they're not taking it well, and why it's important to stay plugged into their activities and emotional well-being.

For more information on getting help for your marriage visit our Hope Restored website:

00:00 - Never Leave Me Nor Forsake Me
00:41 - Introduction of Dr. John Trent and Tim Sanford
02:00 - The Effects of Divorce on Young Children
04:30 - The Effects of Divorce on the Pre-Teen and Teenager
05:24 - Hope Restored
05:52 - Safety is a Critical Issue
8:43 - What Behaviors Can I Expect From My Kid Over My Divorce
12:37 - Changing the Picture of Your Life Story
16:13 - When a Teen Handles a Parent's Divorce Well
18:02 - More Practical Tools for Parents
19:11 - Helping Adult Kids Break Free from the Cycle of Divorce
21:18 - This is Not to Cause You Shame, But to Equip You
23:10 - Resources


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