2022 Wellness Vlog | MY ONE WORD FOR THE YEAR


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Hey ladies welcome back! Today I am sharing with you how I am starting my 2022! I personally know a thing or two about doing something in faith and well, that's all that this year will be because God gave me my word for 2022 and it wasn't purpose, or greatness, or fearless... it was wellness!
Honestly, at first I was like "what God?" Like, I'm well enough!
However with study and revelation, wellness comes after restoration. The result of a real restoration is wellness. That means you get new habits and a new way of living. The depressed and oppressed get free and start flowing the life, the anxious slows down and embraces the wind blowing out the wind making he pine trees in the distance wave back and forth.
The hurt, began to feel lighter and start loving. Restoration takes place then comes wellness.

Facebook: Morgan Tracy J www.facebook.com/morgantracyj/
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Business Inquiries: info@hisdaughterscloset.com

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