Eat Like Jesus Did Q&A 82: How To Eat According To The Bible
The Biblical Nutritionist
How to eat according to the Bible - what's the first step?<br />
Here is how you can turn to the Bible for health, weight loss, and live the best days of your life!<br />
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Chapters:<br />
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01:08 - resources for the Daniel Fast<br />
03:52 - inspiration for the program<br />
06:21 - books for mental wellness<br />
09:16 - weight loss success<br />
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1. What resources do you have to help me with the Daniel fast and overall healthier recipes? – Darcy<br />
The first resource is actually not mine – it is yours and that is the Bible. <br />
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So our focus is on studying Daniel – when did he fast and why.<br />
When people say the Daniel Fast – it is eating foods similar to what Daniel ate. <br />
The resources we have put together make it simple, delicious and easy to manage with your time.<br />
We have just redesigned the Daniel Fast course – One of our team members changed the program and we added over 25% more content.<br />
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From your question about recipes – we started with only 3 weeks – now we have greatly expanded it. Some you will love and serve continually, others you will like and enjoy sometimes and others you will say – that was good for one time.<br />
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2. This is obviously a ministry for you. How did you find the inspiration for this program? - Camille<br />
The inspiration grew from my own needs and then a passion God planted in my heart. <br />
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That was how it was with me – as I moved closer to what God inteneded for me the passion grew. When I became tired of the naysayers saying it can’t be done – I would drift and my passion would be less and my heart would hurt. So then God would send someone into my life to ignite that passion again and I would draw closer to this plan and God would always send another confirmation this is where I am to be now growin it.<br />
I continue to seek His guidance – because some days are hard- we are a team working hard to share the Gospel through food to the world. So each morning I ask for words, wisdom and to always stay where He wants me. If God were to say tomorrow we are done – then I would sit in the sun and read a book and know I did what he asked.<br />
If he says tomorrow we are still moving forward then I will continue to work hard and trust Him for the results.<br />
The same is true for you. Let God be the guide. <br />
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3. Which one of your books would you recommend for connecting with God and mental wellness? – Lucy<br />
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The best book I have written for this is not a book it is a course and then a second step. The 40 Day transformation is exactly what you are looking for. The very first step is to challenge your beliefs.<br />
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Most people have beliefs based on traditions, unproven words, or false narratives. When we challenge this at the beginning – it allows our heart and mind to be open to what God wants us to learn and change.<br />
Mental illness stems from false beliefs (and of course an unhealthy microbiome)<br />
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These are all words that become beliefs. These beliefs shape who we are and how we live. <br />
Our brain is designed to move towards rewards and even wrong beliefs that are holding you captive keep you moving towards these thoughts and feelings. Because you are nurturing them so your brain believes this matters to you.<br />
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In the 40 Day transformation we start with challenging those beliefs and changing them – we reevaluate them and change them into the thoughts that will bring the results that truly are rewarding! Mental wellness starts with our beliefs. Mental wellness is improved when we heal the gut microbiome. Together the health let’s you experience amazing days.<br />
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4. With statistics showing 97% will regain their it really possible to succeed as ..THE 3%....ON THE NARROW ROAD. - Carol<br />
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We start with the beliefs. It is true the high percentage of weight gain after weight loss is because the thoughts and beliefs were never corrected. We become skinny fat people and so our brain does everything in its power to make us fat fat people again.<br />
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When we heal the thoughts and follow the pattern to take every thought captive – we win and not just for 8 weeks but for life.<br />
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