Our Obsession With Self || calling out the culture of narcissism on Instagram (4 of 4)
hi friends!
we made it! the last video in my instagram series!
this one is difficult because it's hard to address and hard to admit, but I think a lot of us have fallen into this obsession with self and our portrayal of ourselves on social media... it's damaging and dangerous. admitting it is the first step, and I hope and pray you can learn from this and seek God for what you should do!
it's all too easy to be lured in by the ways of this world and their temptations, and we have caved in so many ways and have wanted the spotlight for ourselves...
I hope this video points you back to what REALLY matters...
social media playlist:
other videos in the series:
Addressing the Addiction to Instagram || a Christian perspective on social media (1 of 4)
Comparison & Jealousy on Instagram || the trap women & girls are falling into (2 of 4)
Losing your Identity on Instagram... how social media changes you || a christian perspective (3 / 4)
thank you for all the support on this series! it's the first series I've ever done on my channel, and it was definitely hard at times, but I'm so appreciative to all of you who have watched it all the way through.
I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me!
remember.... social media is NOT worth losing your soul over.
thanks for watching!!
love you guys!
(Every month I donate a portion of my Adsense revenue to a charity suggested by one of you! Leave a comment below of a charity you would like us to donate to next month)
Want to send me something?!
(for letters)
Kendra Echegaray
P.O. Box 542
Chattanooga, TN 37401
(for packages)
Kendra Echegaray
910 Georgia Ave # 542
Chattanooga, TN 37402
my etsy shop // www.etsy.com/shop/emeraldseaimages
poshmark // poshmark.com/closet/thrifteee
goodreads // www.goodreads.com/user/show/95582502-kendra-christine
email // kendrachristinexx@gmail.com
Much love,