SPEARFISHING IN MISSISSIPPI (sharks and alligators)


Mississippi pushed us WAY outside of our comfort zone! Sharks, alligators, spearfishing, and dark murky water - all of Nate's biggest fears. Thank you Adobe - Click here to download our Motion Graphic Templates!: adobe.ly/KaraAndNate

Thank you to all the wonderful people of Biloxi for making our time there so special!
Here is the awesome hotel we stayed: beaurivage.mgmresorts.com/en.html

Learn more about the Deep Water Mafia Club: www.facebook.com/groups/1848194415459011

Check out Mark's Gulf Coast Dive Services: gulfcoastdiveservices.com/

#Travel Vlog 767 | #vanlife Biloxi, #Mississippi, USA | State 28/50 | Filmed April 22, 2021

📸 Follow us on Instagram for behind the scenes content: @karaandnate www.instagram.com/karaandnate/

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✈️ We created FareDrop to help you score super cheap international flights! Try it for free and get flight deals up to 80% off ➡️ faredrop.com/ ⬅️

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🎶 Download these copyright free songs we used in this episode - All are from here: bit.ly/epidemic_sound


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