Tips from a Pastors Wife.. how to grow Christian SUBSCRIBERS + STARTING a christian YT channel 2020!
Hi! Do you want to gain christian subscribers on youtube? In this video I share my pastors wife tips on how to become a Christian youtuber and what NOT to do as a Christian youtuber in 2020. These tips will keep you from starting a christian youtube channel that you aren't proud of. Doesn't matter if you guys are beginners or pros, learn how to start a christian youtube channel right now! Consider subscribing for more content like this! :)
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Let me know if you would like a video on Christian vloggers you should follow in 2020 down in the comments! Learn how to start a christian youtube channel in 2020! In this video, you'll learn how as a Christian influencer/ youtuber and pastors wife, I have dedicated myself to making sure my youtube content matches the word of God. Christian youtubers in 2020 are few here on youtube. So if you have ever THOUGHT about starting a youtube channel in 2020, then I hope this video and my many others get you started this summer! I share so many tips on my channel from a christian perspective and I hope that they are helpful to you so that we can all strive to be good christians who represent Jesus.
So many of you want to know how to be a "good" christian. It starts by reading The Bible and applying what you've learned! Super simple. So if you want to be a good christian in 2020, be authentic, follow Christ, and abide in his presence. If you are JUST beginning your journey on youtube, I am SO excited for! I hope you subscribe and send me a DM over on Instagram, letting me know you found me on here! Love you!
Consider subscribing to this christian lifestyle channel! xo
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✰ FAQS ✰
how do I get more views? and make friends on FB groups and Instagram! Send me a DM on IG:
what do you use to edit? canva + imovie
what camera do you use? all equipment listed below
• camera bag:
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• 50mm:
• 10-18mm:
• 18-55mm:
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✰ business inquiries ✰
Let me know if you would like a video on Christian vloggers you should follow in 2020!