Abandoning Idols to Cling to God - Phil Stacey
American Idol contestant and recording artist Phil Stacey grew up in a Christian home. With a preacher father and a dedicated mother, he was told tat God had a plan for his life. Music had always been in Phil’s heart, so he pursued it throughout high school and his time in the US Navy. A friend encouraged him to audition for American Idol – the last year Phil was eligible to do so. Just before his audition, his wife, Kendra, went into labor and delivered a baby girl. Phil went to the producers to let them know that he wouldn’t be able to stay for the audition because he needed to be with his wife. This story made the airwaves, and Phil immediately had a strong following. Phil was a hit on the show, but was eventually eliminated. He joined the live tour and slowly began to realize that the whole gig had become an idol in his life. With a couple record deals, Phil decided to return to his roots and stand proudly for Christ. In this interview, Phil will encourage listeners to be true to God, to live with abandon and to find freedom in Christ.
Get Phil's book, Made to Worship: bit.ly/3JxiKlc
For more resources on this topic: bit.ly/3wlsB9S
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