Is It OK To Question Someone's Salvation? - Ask Pastor Tim


Questioning the salvation of other professing Christians can often be perceived as unloving or judgmental. But is there a Biblical warrant to do so? Are there characteristics that accompany true conversion? And if these characteristics are lacking in the life of a professing Christian, does the Bible allow us to question their conversion?


→ View on I'll Be Honest:

0:00 - Logo intros.
0:14 - Reading the question.
1:04 - This is an area we have to be balanced.
2:43 - Judge others? Does not love "believe all things"?
3:11 - Parable of the wheat and the tares (Matthew 13.24)
4:52 - Don't be the "salvation police."
6:22 - 1 Thessalonians 5 - Do you have the weakest Christian alive in your church?
9:54 - In 1 and 2 Corinthians, Paul is very charitable to them.
14:39 - 2 Corinthians shows us there are "false brethren" within the church.
16:38 - 1 John is loaded with statements challenging people to whether they are saved or not.
23:10 - We need to exhort and admonish one another.
25:57 - 1 John also speaks about our perspective on Christ.
28:24 - 2 Timothy 3:5 speaks of people appearing to be godly who deny the power of God.
30:56 - What if someone never mentions Christ when explaining their testimony?
33:30 - Question 1 - How do we approach people who say, "My testimony is just between the Lord and me"?
36:02 - Example of Bob Jennings being gracious to someone.
37:50 - Do not close your eyes to those who bring in error.
41:24 - Question 2 - How do you deal with someone whose testimony is not convincing?
45:22 - Question 3 - What about a person who does not know when they were saved?
52:23 - Tim speaking about his testimony.
55:20 - Do you have a new relationship with the Word of God?
1:01:09 - We become sensitive to our relationship with God.
1:06:36 - What a privilege it is to be a Christian.

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