Is Bread BAD For You? Q&A 83: What's The Worst & Best Bread To Eat?
The Biblical Nutritionist
Is bread bad for you?<br />
Whether you have celiac disease, gluten intolerance, here is all you need to know about bread - what's healthy & what's bad for you.<br />
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1. Is it safe to eat unleavened bread even if I have celiac disease? Nina<br />
Yes, but if you have 100% diagnosed celiac then a gf unleavened bread is best. <br />
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So the question is, what is important is what is the unleavened bread made from? And can it cause the problems that you're suffering from with celiac. So traditionally, unleavened bread was made quickly. And it was from the wheat variety that they had on hand. <br />
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So we have to look at it though. What about the gluten, you can make unleavened bread with gluten or you can make it without and I have a video on how to make it without with the gluten free. So you can use tapioca rice millet to make a delicious flower. So when it comes to celiac, you can still enjoy communion and Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, or just everyday life eating an unleavened bread made with gluten free flours. So just enjoy it. Enjoy your time with the Lord.<br />
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Link to my GF unleavened bread video:<br /><br />
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2. In bible times, did they use yeast to cause bread to rise or was all bread "sourdough"? - Bobby<br />
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Now leavening consists of a piece of raw dough up to three weeks old in which the yeast had naturally developed. So yes, it was a sourdough mix like we know of today. Now there's also record of using aged grape juice in the bread as a leavening agent. So the Jerusalem Talmud, it states that the daughters of Lord would need their bread, and then they would ascend up to Jerusalem, they would go up there to pray, and then they would return and in the space of time that it took the bread would have risen. Well this helps us to understand the story more of how the Israelites did not have time to let their bread rise when they were leaving Egypt, you know on that mass exodus for the Passover. So it helps us to understand how that works.<br />
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3. hi Annette. Is cooking the bread in the oven enough to deal with the toxic “lectins” in beans, especially kidney beans, if they are not boiled for ten minutes during cooking? I have Coeliac and make my own bread with wheat free oat flour and brown rice flour but would love to add more protein with the beans and lentils. Thanks so much. I love your channel. - Yvette<br />
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Now get this a theory says, and I do mean the word theory. It says because that is what the hype is all about basically is theory theory says lectins cause gas inflammation and bloating, joint pain and increased leaky gut. Anytime beans are not cooked properly, some people are going to experience these symptoms. That's true. Yet the research to date has not looked at how people actually how to actually consume a lectin rich diet as part of their healthy plants. And they've lived many long years, a lot of these tribes that didn't have the processed foods of America, they lived well on these foods. So research shows that the health benefits of beans, peas, grains, dairy, and nightshade are actually very beneficial. Now, I am not jumping on this bandwagon, I will always stick to the three principles that I've taught you.<br />
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4. I love bread but it doesn’t love me. It seems to give me acid reflux when I eat it. Any suggestions??? – Sheila<br />
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I would need to know if you are milling your own wheat or eating bread from the store or restaurant. <br />
Bread from the store or restaurant has fillers, has been stripped of all nutrition (or most all) and it has very little benefit to the body or the microbiome. For some people the high gluten acts like a glue in the digestive tract.<br />
For my clients I suggest avoiding all flour products for 6 months. Then start back with only bread from freshly milled grain that you make yourself. This will help us know what the problem is. In most cases the gut will heal.<br />
If not – then we know it is an enzyme deficiency. For that instance I would recommend a specific enzyme called Carbo-G . It is offered through health care practitioners and so I will share my link as well.<br />
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