Diabetes, Fatty Liver, Etc - Q&A 90: How To Fight Diseases Biblically


Here are steps on how to fight diseases biblically!
Heed God's Word and eat by the three biblical diet principles to fight diseases naturally and biblically.

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Discover how to fight diseases biblically! If you are dealing with certain ailments such as diabetes, fatty liver disease, arthritis, and more, then today's video may help you.

The questions today are all about specific diseases. We're going to be talking about type one diabetes, fatty liver disease, arthritis, and even more. These are important issues, because they're important to you. So we're going to talk about how to fight these diseases biblically.

1. Can you help me with my fatty liver disease?

Fatty liver disease is 100% reversible. Yet if you don't take action on it, it can easily lead to liver failure. Changes need to happen in diet exercise and your liver support. The problem with fatty liver disease is that it is has to be silent symptoms. So knowing you have this disease is very important.

Here are four steps for reversing this issue:

- Number one, we have to balance the microbiome.

- Number two lifestyle and supplements.

- Number three, check your blood work every four to six months.

- Number four, fasting a minimum of 12 hours every day to reduce stress and just to stay in a healthful state.

2. How do you biblically heal arthritis when you already eat kosher and Whole Foods?

Well arthritis is inflammation and even though you're eating kosher and Whole Foods, there's still a food issue in the body. food sensitivities can lead to inflammation. trauma can lead to inflammation, but inflammation can be healed. The diet is always going to be the same. The three principles I just shared that I eat the food guide called good for us eat these foods is close to his design.

3. What kind of biblical nutrition do you recommend for type one diabetic?

We eat by the three principles, high fiber, no process or sugar ever again, make that priority number one like never, ever, ever let that touch your lips. Then we use the hunger satisfied journal to identify foods that might cause mind altering effects, or blood sugar up swings. With insulin issues, it's best to know how the body is assimilating different foods and then to correct it. We correct it by taking digestive enzymes with every meal.

4. I'm tired of being tired, but I have no thyroid and I take medication so I'm fearful that nothing will help with energy. But I feel the Lord has been leading me to try a biblical approach to "diet".

We start with the three principles. Next, we use the hunger satisfy journal to discover what foods are causing you to be more tired and have a bad attitude or not saying you do. Some people do. Then we use enzymes for assimilation and best use of all foods that we eat.

Just remember, God's recipe for excellent health is for you, for you, for your family for your friends, everyone. Please share this video with those you know are those in your church group or Bible study group or those you just like? So thanks for watching. I am a net reader from the biblical nutritionist.com

This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Reeder and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Annette Reeder nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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