Home Decor & DIY Projects | Apartment Updates (VLOG)


In this vlog, I'm taking you along for some fun apartment updates! ✨ We finally got our dining room table (aka currently our office space thanks to work from home life), our lamp, and I got a new armchair for my room! I'm also trying my hand at DIY and slowly but surely beginning to grow my plant baby collection. 🤗 There's a little car chat heart-to-heart as well talking about enjoying the process rather than focusing so much on the result and always getting to the next thing. I hope you enjoy! 💛

#ApartmentDecorIdeas​ #HomeDecor #HomeDIYProjects

SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly/2mt8aWE​

SHOP MY AMAZON STOREFRONT: amazon.com/shop/kacinicole​

Grace Coffee (use code KACINICOLE for 15% off) - bit.my/39uNjHa
Dining Table - bit.ly/3auPRFZ
Living Room Lamp - bit.ly/3twA7uT
Armchair - bit.ly/3riCdfJ

Finding Joy in the Journey - bit.ly/2ECg6w8

Journaling Bible (The Daily Grace Co.): bit.ly/2P3Zogn
Journaling Bible (Amazon): amzn.to/2UYSSGJ
Scribe Bible Journal: bit.ly/2CF9c8M
Gel Bible Highlighters: bit.ly/2NK06fU
Hosanna Revival 5-Year Prayer Journal: bit.ly/3pGvaO2​​​​
Study Bible - bit.ly/399p4zP
Grace To You App: bit.ly/35qY3lN
YouVersion Bible App: bit.ly/3eVwUxk
Blue Letter Bible App: apple.co/2xc7Cdl
Journaling Pens: amzn.to/2yS9bgU
Bible Pens: bit.ly/3aGZFL3
Moleskine Journal: amzn.to/2SXSU29​

VLOG CAMERA: amzn.to/2To7O1V​
SIT-DOWN CAMERA: amzn.to/31GKcH3​
SIT-DOWN LENS: amzn.to/31Ht6sy​
RING LIGHT: amzn.to/2Gpf3NA​

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BUSINESS INQUIRIES: sayhello@kacinicole.com

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“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving." | Colossians 2:6-7

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