Be Healthy, God's Way - Q&A 91: How To Be Healthy Naturally


Learn how to be healthy naturally.
Today's questions and answers are all about how to achieve better health - biblically!

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00:00 - 02:13 - Intro
02:14 - 06:08 - How to keep going
06:09 - 08:02 - Steps to a health journey
08:03 - 10:59 - Biblical health
11:00 - 13:08 - Q&A Giveaway Winner/ Closing

Today, I'm answering your questions. And the questions I'm answering today are all about how to be healthy naturally.

1. How to keep going like staying on a healthy path when life gets tough and going gets hard?

Well, there's always going to be struggles life is never without struggles. Even the verse it says he will never give you more than you can handle can be a struggle, or the verse that says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, that verse can be a struggle, just reading it. So take a moment and just breathe. As you breathe. Say, Lord, I trust you. Now help me see my unbelief. So step one, admit you can't do this alone. And say, Lord, I trust you. Step two. Admit it again, I can't do this alone, because you probably took it back after saying it the first time helped me with my unbelief. Step three, learn what you do well, on the days that go well.

2. What do you suggest is the best way to start a journey to good health?

Number one, pray, ask God for His guidance. Number two, decide first what eating plan you're going to follow. And number three, I suggest the three principles, eat the food that God designed for us, eat those foods is close to the way he designed it before they're altered. And then let no food become an addiction. Now, step four, praise God when you desire to eat foods that are going to cause disease or if you eat too much food. Step five. We live in a culture that can only do things if we have a complete map, which all kinds of twists and turns are out there. So many diets are say, Eat this, don't eat that. Let this journey be a revelation between you and the Lord. Let him guide you.

3. What does the Bible say about healthy living?

So here's a quick clip in other pages in the Bible, love this, you're going to enjoy this. In Genesis, we were given foods to eat started in the garden moved to the field then in the barn. In Exodus, we learned what they missed from each app, and what is waiting for them in the Promised Land. Exodus 1526 Right in the middle, it says that reminds us if you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes. If you pay attention to his commands, and keep all of his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians get this now. For I am the Lord who heals you. And then down with the verse He is the Lord who heals. And Leviticus we are told that foods are claimed and what foods are an abomination and Deuteronomy were reminded again of God's love and to enjoy the Promised Land foods. In Ruth were taught fasting for deliverance and Samuel again, were taught fasting for answers.

Every food you take in is going to affect your brain chemistry and your microbiome. Our worship and our praise are also affected by our brain chemistry and our microbiome. Food is not just nourishment God designed for us, it is always a biblical reminder that God loves us, and is always used for instruction.

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